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77. Matthew Linfoot.jpg

Matthew Linfoot

Rev’d Dr Matthew Linfoot (Trinity, 1984) is a broadcaster and academic in LGBT+ media, and a tireless advocate for collating the history of those who pushed against prejudice and gave a voice to the community.


Matthew worked at the BBC in a variety of roles, including co-presenting and producing a weekly LGBT+ radio magazine programme at BBC GLR94.9 with Cambridge alumnae Dixi Stewart and Rebecca Sandles. Matthew won a SONY Gold Award (Best Music Documentary) for producing and co-writing You've Got To Hide Away, with Tom Robinson, which explored hidden gay sexuality in popular music.

Since 2003, Matthew has been Principal Lecturer at the University of Westminster where he has continued to research LGBT+ representation in media, most recently with an AHRC-funded public engagement project Hearing Our Stories, exploring the BBC archives. Matthew also conducts interviews for the BBC Oral History project with LGBT+ staff, past and present.


An ordained Priest in the Church of England, Matthew serves as Curate of All Saints in Tooting, south London.

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